Immersion by Reality8

Reality 8 Immersion
Immersive AR Training with pre-recorded actors, that can be enacted anywhere, without coding
Though it uses the same platform as Venue, the Reality 8 Immersion product is designed for single location training simulations. Multiple trainees can wear Realmax Augmented Reality glasses, and learn through experiencing different training scenarios with the visualizations that only AR can offer.
Today, the Immersion platform is being used by partners such as TI Training, who are applying the system to the needs of the law-enforcement community. Upon wearing the glasses, a training room becomes a theater, such as the location of an auto incident or the scene of a drug-overdose. Multiple trainees can see one another, while also seeing  the replay of motion captured actors who play the parts of civilians. A trainer can use a laptop PC (or their own glasses) to trigger different events that demonstrate the consequences of a participant’s decisions.

To discuss opportuinuites related to Immersion please contact the address below.